A legal advocacy group that calls itself the Public Justice Food Project says it’s expanding efforts toward “dismantling systems that prop up industrial agriculture.”
Meating Place Dot Com says they’ll do that by bringing litigation “built to win and focused on high-impact structural reform.”
This effort will include expanding the group’s legal staff.
One of their more recent additions is Brent Newell, a leading attorney on air pollution and climate change impacts from “industrial animal agriculture.”
Part of their push is a new website,, which will provide resources for lawyers looking to apply their skills to suing “Big Ag.”
They’ll also have resources to local communities, farmers, workers, and others who want to support Public Justice’s work.
Public Justice’s attorneys have been the lead counsel in two cases involving independent beef producers against multinational meatpackers.
They’ve also led efforts to strike down state laws barring undercover investigations at agricultural facilities.

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