

The National Biodiesel Board is unhappy with the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rule for the 2020 Renewable Fuels Standard and 2021 Biomass-based Diesel Volume.
The NBB says the proposal undermines market growth for biodiesel and renewable diesel.
The agency’s proposed advanced biofuel volume of 5.04 billion gallons provides no additional market growth for biomass-based diesel.
Also, the proposal to set the 2021 biomass-based diesel volume at 2.43 billion gallons is the same as the 2020 volume, which flatlines growth potential for the industry.
EPA’s proposal could actually reduce market space for biodiesel and renewable diesel compared to this year because it doesn’t account for the wave of small refinery exemptions it’s handed out in recent years.


“EPA’s proposed rule would turn the RFS program on its head,” says NBB Vice President of Federal Affairs Kurt Kovarik.

“It’s very likely to reduce America’s use of cleaner, lower-carbon biodiesel and renewable diesel for transportation over the next several years, encouraging more petroleum use.”


He says it sends a chilling signal to America’s biodiesel and renewable diesel producers of EPA’s intent to limit market growth for cleaner fuels.

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