JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – An annual celebration of the buffalo for the Buffalo City is set for July 26th through July 28th.
The day celebrates White Cloud’s legacy with citywide activities, including a car show, parade, street dance, pancake breakfast, Vendor Show and more. Formally known as White Cloud Days, this will be the 23rd Annual event in Jamestown.
Jamestown Chamber of Commerce Executive Director Emily Bivens says they’ve opened registrations for the vendor show and parade are open.
Bivens says the vendor show will follow at McElroy Park from 11 AM to 3 PM.
Bivens says individuals can look for more details to come later this summer. She says the celebration is all about Jamestown and everyone should attend what they can.
You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Emily Bivens below: