Photo Courtesy: Morning Chores
Agriculture groups, including the National Corn Growers Association, are celebrating this week as National Pollinator Week.
Twelve years ago, the U.S. Senate approved the designation of a week in June as National Pollinator Week. NCGA is working cooperatively with numerous groups like The HoneyBee Health Coalition, Farmers for Monarchs, and the Environmental Defense Fund to expand pollinator awareness through education. NCGA also has tools available to assist in identifying and implementing pro-pollinator best management practices.
NCGA urges farmers to be proactive by being more aware of bees and getting to know local beekeepers. Proactive communication between growers, applicators, and beekeepers is essential to protect honeybees from unintended pesticide exposure. Meanwhile, Syngenta is using the week to bring awareness to “efforts to continuously improve pesticide product stewardship,” and how stewardship can protect pollinators.
When it comes to seed treatments and pesticides, Syngenta says “the importance of observing best-management practices – including reading and following the product label – cannot be overstated,” especially for pollinator protection.