Wisconsin Senator Tammy Baldwin is demanding that President Trump release more details of the deal he announced with Mexico to increase U.S. ag exports.
Over the weekend, Trump said on Twitter that “Mexico has agreed to immediately begin buying large quantities of agricultural product from our great Patriot farmers.”
However, the administration hasn’t given out any details of this claim and there isn’t a lot of evidence to back it up.
The Mexican Foreign Minister denies there is an agricultural element to the agreement with the U.S, saying Mexico didn’t “immediately begin to do anything different” regarding American agricultural products.
Agricultural trade staff members said earlier in the week that they had no details on the supposed agreement with Mexico. Baldwin says in the letter:
“Farmers need full details of the agreement in order to make the many decision they need to that affect their livelihood and business.”
“I’m asking that you release details of this agreement or announce that one never actually existed.”