NORTH DAKOTA (NDDOT) – Law enforcement agencies across the state participated in the national Click It or Ticket enforcement campaign from May 20, 2019 through June 2, 2019 to help save lives on North Dakota roads.
A total of 2,205 citations were attributed to the overtime enforcement patrols. Of the total citations, 841 were citations for failure to wear a seat belt and 28 were child restraint citations. Tickets for speeding totaled 815. The traffic stops also resulted in 276 other traffic citations (i.e. disobeying traffic signals, equipment violations), 62 uninsured motorists, 51 suspended/revoked license violations, 34 drug arrests, 15 citations for distracted driving, 11 warrants served, and eight driving under the influence (DUI) citations.
As of June 1, nearly 70% of North Dakota motor vehicle fatalities were not wearing a seat belt. Failure to use a seat belt is the most significant factor associated with motor vehicle crash injuries and fatalities in North Dakota.
High-visibility enforcement for traffic safety is one element of a collaborative effort to help meet the state’s Vision Zero goal of zero motor vehicle fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.
Learn more about traffic safety initiatives at or join the conversation on the Vision Zero ND Facebook or Twitter page.