JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – SCORE Jamestown has set a free business workshop for May 16th.
SCORE is the nation’s largest network of volunteer, expert business mentors and is dedicated to helping small businesses get off the ground, grow, and achieve their goals.
Warren Tobin is a member of SCORE Jamestown. He says they provide a wide range of services from mentoring to webinars and workshops.
Tobin says they host workshops quarterly and the upcoming workshop on May 16th will feature several speakers touching on various topics. They include:
-Jennifer Bollingberg from Schauer & Associates on Basic Record Keeping, Sales Tax Compliance, Data Management For Tax Filing, Payroll Setup For Record Keeping and Quickbooks.
-Unison Bank President, Kelly Rachel on Steps to Securing A Business Loan, and Financing Your Business.
-Timothy Ottmar for Ottmar & Ottmar Law Firm, Attorneys at Law on the Pros and Cons Of The Different Types Of Business Legal Entities, LLC’s, Partnerships, Sole Proprietorship and other topics.
Contact the Jamestown SCORE office at the South Central Dakota Regional Council at 429 2nd Street Southwest or call 701-952-8050. You can also contact Dave Smette at 701-320-6268 for more information.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Warren Tobin below: