JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – With Jamestown’s Citywide Cleanup coming up, Central Valley Health is encouraging residents disposing of car seats to do so properly.
The reminder comes before more items are set out for the cleanup. Shannon Kaiser is a Car Seat Technician and works with Central Valley Health.
Kaiser says when it comes to using a car seat for kids, it’s important to know the history of the seat and if it’s expired or not.
Kaiser says if you’re unsure about anything with your car seat, you’re encouraged to make an appointment with one of the two car seat technicians at Central Valley Health in Jamestown.
You can call 701-252-8130 and ask questions or set up an appointment to get your car seat checked.
Below is a diagram indicating what you should do to properly dispose of a car seat.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Shannon Kaiser below: