JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – When it comes to burn bans and restrictions, it’s up to you to know when and when not to host a controlled burn.
According to the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services (NDDES), approximately 1,800 fire incidents are reported each year.
“Major sources of wildland fires include lightning, inadequate measures for controlled burns, smoking, and sparks from farm machinery and trains,” the NDDES states. “Fires in areas of high fuel content, if not quickly detected and suppressed, can rapidly flare out of control, threaten lives and cause major damage to habitat, crops, livestock, wildlife, and structural property.”
Stutsman County Emergency Manager Jerry Bergquist says between the transition of winter and summer, conditions could be ideal for fire danger.
Bergquist says when it comes to controlled burns, you’re encouraged to call into your county’s emergency department and inform them of your burn.
He says it also is important for you to check the latest fire danger index maps before burning.
You can also contact your local fire department for the most current information regarding restrictions in your area.
Bergquist says Stutsman County residents can check the county website for the latest conditions as well.
Click here for the most up to date conditions.
Click here for more about Severe Summer Weather Awareness Week.
Tuesday: Emergency Alerts
Wednesday: Sirens
This week is Severe Summer Weather Awareness week. Each day this week, NewsDakota will be highlighting a different aspect of summer weather and preparations being made for Stutsman County.