VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – City-County Health District announced the recipient of the 2018 Public Health Service Award. During the April meeting of the Health Board (the governing body for the public health district), this honor was bestowed on Alicia Hoffarth of Valley City.
“Public health refers to all organized measures, everything that all organizations do to prevent disease, promote health and protect our population, allowing our citizens to live in a safe and healthy environment,” said Theresa Will, CCHD administrator. “To this end, Alicia has helped many organizations with grant writing, allowing us to provide an array of services within our community, county and region.”
The Public Health Service Award recognizes a community member who has gone above and beyond the scope of their usual work day, and who stands out as a public health leader.
Hoffarth serves as a resource development specialist through the Valley City-Barnes County Development Corporation. She understands the benefits of health equity, healthy nutrition and physical activity. And she recognizes the need to decrease the stigma around substance use and mental illness.
“Alicia lives public health in her day-to-day life,” said Will. “She is a wonderful example of a strong public health advocate.”
Hoffarth has been an active member of the Barnes County Behavioral Health Coalition, as well as serving on the core team that does the leg work that supports the quarterly coalition meetings. Through her Master Gardener work, she has assisted on many community, 4-H and school projects. Besides her grant-writing abilities, Alicia is currently working with Naomi Koch, CHI Mercy Health; Chelsea Modlin, South Central Human Service Center; and Theresa Will, CCHD, on a leadership team that was recently chosen to attend the National Academy for the Public’s Health training in Atlanta. This group continues to explore the possibility of developing recovery housing in Valley City.
“Everyone plays a part in public health,” said Will. “By collaborating within our community and developing shared visions, we can promote health through all policies and practices, assuring a healthy and vibrant community.”