JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Jody Larson was born with Spina Bifida, a birth defect that occurs when the spine and spinal cord don’t form properly.
She hasn’t let that hold her back from living her life to the fullest.
Larson was born with the defect in 1959, grew up in Minnesota, and later moved to Jamestown.
Larson says she’s lead a very busy life and will continue her adventures this week when she participates in the Spina Bifida Association’s (SBA) 2019 Walk, Hike, and Roll Adventure at the Grand Canyon in Arizona.
The event is a fundraiser and Larson says she committed herself to raising $5,000 to support programs and services provided by the SBA.
“One in 2,858 will be born with Spina Bifida or another neural tube defect, making Spina Bifida the most commonly occurring birth defect in this country,” Larson pointed out. “Even though an estimated 60% of people living with Spina Bifida are adults, there are only 10 adult clinics across the U.S. Can you imagine having to travel out of state or across the country to get medical care?”
Larson says she’s virtually raised all $5,000 and will be heading to the event this Wednesday.
Larson will be the only person from North Dakota participating.
“There is one person from California, one from Texas, two from Florida, and one from Iowa,” Larson says. “The SBA put out a request to participate in this event and we all responded. I’ve never met them, but I’ve seen pictures and have read their stories. I look forward to meeting them this week.”
For more information on Larson’s adventure, you can click here. She will also be posting updates through her Facebook page and will follow up with NewsDakota.com at the end of her journey.