JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A Compassion Care Center is one step closer to operating within Jamestown.
During the Finance & Legal Committee meeting, City Assessor Jamison Veil stated that GR Vending ND Dispensary 6, LLC. had applied for a special use permit application.
Veil says the dispensary will locate at 1513 Business Loop East in Jamestown in the old Auto Center. He says they were the only company to apply for the special use permit application.
Councilmember Steve Brubakken inquired about the security of the facility. Construction Manager Tony Brewer stated that North Dakota has strict guidelines when it comes to security at a medical marijuana dispensary site.
Brewer says they’ll use 5,000 square feet of the building and subdivide the remaining 15,000 square feet to lease it out. He estimates to be operational by the middle of July. Brewer says it’s quick, but they can make that deadline.
The committee unanimously approved the special use permit.
In other committee news, the National Buffalo Museum informed the committee that they would be pulling their support of the proposed solar photovoltaic energy generating facility being advocated for by Otter Tail Power Company.
Museum Executive Director Ilana Xinos says they came to the decision after looking at the initial plans for the structure next to the museum.
Mayor Dwaine Heinrich stated in speaking with Otter Tail Power Company representatives, they would only move forward if there was support from the museum and city, which there was not. There was no motion made on the issue.