JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – After hosting the most successful Running of the Pink to date in 2018, RM Stoudt and area organizations are prepared to go even bigger.
The 11th Annual Running of the Pink broke a record with 710 registered participants who ran in the 10K and ran or walked in the 5K. Tara Kapp states that the event has been held to raise money for breast and cervical cancer screenings and research.
Kapp says RM Stoudt saw the major need for breast and cervical cancer screenings and raising awareness. The event teams up with the Jamestown Regional Medical Center, Central Valley Health and Women’s Way to remove barriers when it comes to getting screened.
The “No Excuses” program helps meet these screening needs in many different ways.
Kapp says the route is different this year with runners starting at RM Stoudt and running out to the JRMC and then back for the 5K. The 10K will go further out before looping back to the starting point.
The 12th Annual Running of the Pink is scheduled for Saturday, June 1st in Jamestown. The event is pet friendly, has numerous prizes, and is open to anyone. Early bird registration goes through May 18th.
Cost for adults is $20, Youth 12 & Under is $15 and Seniors 60 & Over is $15. Prices go up $5 after May 18th.
Click here for more information on the event and to register. Find pictures and video from the 11th Annual event here.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Tara Kapp below: