BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – With winter hopefully in the rear-view mirror, the National Weather Service announced the snow totals across North Dakota for 2018-2019.
Meteorologist Todd Hamilton with the Bismarck National Weather Service says snow totals varied across the state for the past winter.
Hamilton says the amount of snow that fell in North Dakota isn’t necessarily typical, but some amounts received could be close to records.
Ashley received just around 110 inches of snow, followed by Streeter with 98.5″, Montpelier with 87.7″, McHenry with 86″, and Napoleon with 81.5″.
Hamilton says Jamestown received around 65.7 inches of snow for the year, which is a little bit more than normal.
Hamilton says there’s been a lot of variability as far as snow fall totals in the state compare. Areas like Minot received 36 inches and Medora around 45 inches. Hamilton says a lot of storms this winter tracked more in the south and southeast portions of North Dakota.
You can find preliminary snow totals from the year below from the Bismarck National Weather Service.