Missouri farmers are seeking to block a transmission line that would be constructed across the state on roughly 500 different farms.
The Grain Belt Express received approval by the Missouri Public Service Commission last month.
However, farmers and rural communities are upset because the state will allow a private company to use eminent domain to procure land for the transmission line.
Farmers rallied at the state capital this week in support of legislation that would bar private entities from using eminent domain for overhead transmission lines, citing personal property rights.
However, opposition to the measure claims it’s an attack on green energy, as the state allows eminent domain for oil pipelines and other projects.
Supporters of the transmission line say it will provide an economic benefit to rural counties.
The Grain Belt Express transmission line, owned by Clean Line Energy, would transmit electricity from wind farms in Kansas, through Missouri and Illinois.
Clean Line Energy is owned by Invenergy, a private energy investment company.