JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Releases out of the Jamestown Damn were increased early Wednesday morning.
Jessica Batterman, Hydraulic Engineer with the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, reports that the releases were brought up to 500 cfs.
“Inflows from snowmelt are higher than expected and the pool continues to rise from snowmelt,” Batterman stated. “We will continue to evaluate conditions and make release changes as necessary. We do not expect combined releases to exceed 750 cfs.”
Pipestem Dam continues to rise as it stores snowmelt runoff.
“Currently the water quality release of 10 cfs is being maintained; once ice goes out at the lake we plan to shut releases down to 0 cfs. The combined release is 510 cfs.”
Pool elevation currently sits at 1,466.45 feet.
The US Army Corps of Engineers states that inflows will continue to increase in order to evacuate flood storage with the goal of meeting the June 1st target evacuation date.