JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The South Central Homeless Coalition for Region VI have partnered with area organizations for the annual Blessing Bag Drive this Spring.
The drive, which started March 6th, collects travel-sized personal care items which are packed in gallon size bags and given to people experiencing homelessness or hardships. South Central Homeless Coalition President Pastor Susan Haukaas says they packed 436 bags in 2018 and are hoping to beat that number this year.
Pastor Haukaas says everyday items and basic need items are very helpful when it comes to filling up a blessing bag.
Collection sites have been established across Region VI including Great Plains Housing Authority, Triumph Inc., Trinity Lutheran, and Atonement Lutheran, and Freedom Resource Center. The Jamestown Ministerial Association will also have a traveling box at each of the midday Lenten services.
Other donation sites include Litchville-Marion Schools and Dickey County Social Services.
Pastor Haukaas says the need for these blessing bags increases with summer approaching quickly.
For more information, you’re encouraged to Pastor Susan Haukaas at Trinity Lutheran Church (701) 252-2841.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Pastor Haukaas below: