By Jacob Just
CARRINGTON, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Carrington Fire Department has purchased two used fire trucks to replace aging units.
Fire Chief Ken Wangen says the newly-purchased units have improved capabilities and capacities to better serve the community. The first unit is a 2004 Chevy C7500. Wangen says the unit carries 2000 gallons of water and has a 1000 GPM pump. This replaces a 1985 Chevy C60 that has a 120 GPM pump and 1250 gallon capacity.
The second unit is a 2001 Freightliner. The 1250 GPM pump and 1250 gallon capacity allow for the truck to dump water for a portable pool. The unit is taking the place of a 1980 Ford.
Wangen says, “Both Trucks came from West Dunn Fire District and were based in Killdeer.” Wangen says his department is working to change the signage on the trucks reflect the change in ownership.
The trucks were purchased through sealed bids.