FARGO, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Cass County Commissioner Mary Scherling spoke this morning at the city of Fargo’s flood meeting.
In her opening remarks she said “Rural Cass County has really had a fight the last few days and they will continue to for a few more…”
One of the hot spots last night was the Siebel Addition NW of Harwood where an earthen levee failed, threatening several homes. Cass County Engineer Jason Benson says the 10 members of the National Guard that were brought in to help were fairly busy yesterday as they ran 13 different missions to deliver sandbags.
Cass County Sheriff Jesse Jahner says their Tactical Operations Center has been operating 24 hours a day. He said they have taken numerous calls from residents. Calls ranged from people requesting sandbags, welfare checks, road closures, and checking culverts. The county’s flood hotline number is 701-241-8000.
Fargo Mayor Tim Mahoney gave an update on how there flood fight is going this morning. Mayor Mahoney said he is pleased with how this flood fight has gone. He said the City’s flood gates and dikes have performed the way there were designed. The Red in Fargo should crest at just under 35 ft. today and should go down to 33 ft. by Friday.