LAMOURE, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – LaMoure County Emergency Manager Kimberly Robbins reports that LaMoure County continues to see spring flooding including river, overland, and small stream flooding.
“Overland flooding has caused significant damage to some township roads and township officials are closing roads that are impassable,” Robbins says in a release.
The United States Geological Survey (USGS) gage at the City of LaMoure reported that the James River rose to 15.98ft on April 4, 2019 and that would be the 6th highest river level for that location.
“Substantial inflows from both the Cottonwood and South Branch are entering Lake LaMoure.”
As river levels rise, several agencies have provided guidance and assistance including the North Dakota Department of Emergency Services and North Dakota National Guard, North Dakota Wing Civil Air Patrol, United States Army Corps of Engineers, North Dakota State Water Commission, National Weather Service, as well as other State of North Dakota partners.
“Numerous volunteers and community members helped to make sandbags and increase the protection for the City of LaMoure as the James River reached historic levels,” Robbins explained.
On Monday, the James River level in LaMoure dropped to 14.25ft which is minor flood stage. The river must go below 14ft to be out of minor flood stage. Lake LaMoure is also rising to historic levels as the secondary spillway is taking flows. The Lake may continue to rise for an unknown number of days.
“LaMoure County townships have reported over 50 roads that are closed due to water over the roadway,” Robbins pointed. “For LaMoure County and Township road closures, you can login to the LaMoure County website to find where the roads are closed. Don’t drive through flooded roads. Please turn around and find another road and report road issues to the respective township officers.”
Visit lamourecountynd.com/SpringOutlookandFloodInformation or call 701-883-6096.