JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The James River Humane Society reports that their successful feral cat program returns this spring.
Humane Society Board Member Jay Nitchke reports that the feral cat program was started in 2018 and had some great success placing feral cats on different rural homesteads in the area.
Nitchke says the shelter will capture feral cats and then transport them to farmsteads or rural homesteads that are willing to take them.
The James River Humane Society has also raised their adoption fees. Nitchke says they did this to both support the non-profit, no kill shelter and to align themselves with the standard fees that most other shelters have.
Nitchke says they adopted out 150 cats and dogs in 2018, with adoption fees going towards shelter maintenance, spaying, neutering, shots, and more.
April is also national Prevention of Cruelty to Animals month. Nitchke encourages anyone who sees an animal being abused to immediately turn them in and help those animals.
For more information, to assist in the feral cat program, or to volunteer, call the James River Humane Society at 701-252-0747 or visit jamesriverhumanesociety.org.
You can listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Jay Nitcke below: