JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – A convoy of semis loaded with donated hay gathered in Jamestown Sunday afternoon and prepared for the long trip to Nebraska.
Nebraska has been devastated by recent flooding, resulting in upwards of 1.1 million acres of farmland and 84,000 acres being submerged in water. Initial estimates show around $400 million livestock losses and $440 million in grain losses with more expected.
Farm Rescue Operation Manager Levi Wielenga says hauling operations have come out of Williston and Dickinson. The group from Jamestown was others who weren’t able to join the other convoys.
Wielenga says along with hay donations, they also have other priorities for donations that are needed in Nebraska to help their farmers and ranchers.
Operation Hay Life delivered nearly 300 loads of hay to ranchers affected by severe drought in 2017-2018. He says they’re grateful to all the other farmers and ranchers who are stepping up to help Nebraska during their time of need.
Wielenga estimates that nearly 500 semi loads have been sent into Nebraska since the flooding occurred roughly 2 1/2 weeks ago. The Jamestown convoy expects to arrive in Elkhorn, Nebraska Sunday evening. Most trucks will unload Monday morning.