
JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Police Department is continuing to see a high rate of fake IDs being used and confiscated in the community.

Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger says as time goes on, fake IDs continue to get better, making it more difficult for officers to spot them.

Chief Edinger says in some cases, fake IDs are being produced for upwards of $400. He says they catch 1 to 2 fake IDS every month in the community.

To help crack down on this, Central Valley Health applied for a grant that they’ve used to combat underage drinking.

Substance Abuse Coordinator Shannon Kaiser says underage drinking in the region is more social and they continue to raise awareness of this through different campaigns. She says alcohol continues to be a number 1 concern in the state.

Kaiser says the grant also provides an ability for server training and more evidence based strategies of stopping underage drinking. It also provides funding for an incentive program to confiscate fake IDs in the community.

Kaiser says this helps the police department get fake IDs off the street and can be used for training. It also helps the bars so they’re not breaking server laws by serving minors.

“We keep the IDs for a period of time for evidence,” Edinger pointed out. “We do use them as well for training. There are some high quality IDs that we’re seizing.”

Unit Administrator Robin Iszler says another part of the grant has allowed the department to purchase scanners that can help determine if an ID is fake or not.

If you have any questions about the Fake ID Incentive Program or underage drinking in the community, you’re encouraged to contact Central Valley Health 701-252-8130.

Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Robin Iszler and Shannon Kaiser below: