JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Area Childcare Services (JACCS) held a March Madness Shoe Drive collection from March 1st through March 15th to help the Jamestown Dollars for Scholars (DFS) shoe drive.
“Participating childcare providers and their families collected and counted shoes ranging infant to adult size,” DeAnn Ament, vice president and marketing chair for the Jamestown Dollars for Scholars Board stated.
“All styles of shoes were collected from tennis shoes to cowboy boots, flip flops, sandals, football cleats, snow boots, high heels in new to gently used condition. [We’re] is so grateful for the support of JACCS March Madness effort collecting 227 pairs of shoes towards our goal of 7,500 pairs”
Collected shoes will then be shipped to third world countries.
DFS will be paid for the number of pounds of shoes donated. These funds will be used to provide scholarships to JHS Seniors.
“[It will] help keep shoes out of landfills, help micro-businesses in third world countries and provide scholarships to JHS Seniors,” Ament pointed out.
There are currently 30 plus drop off sites in the Jamestown area. They include:
Agri-Cover, Anne Carlsen, Bank Forward, Central Valley Health, Collins Aerospace, Dacotah Bank, Diversified Wealth Management, Edgeley Public School, Edgewood Living Center, Episcopal Church, First United Methodist Church, Gussner Elementary, I Will Fitness, Interstate Engineering, Jamestown High School, Jamestown Middle School, Legacy Fitness, Lincoln Elementary, Louis L’Mour Elementary, RM Stoudt, Roosevelt Elementary School, RSVP Dakota Store/AAUW Bookstore, James River Senior Center, Solid Foundations Growing Center, State Farmers Union Office, St. James Basilica,Two Rivers Activity Center, Trinity Lutheran Church, Unison, University of Jamestown and Washington Elementary.
Shoes will be collected through May 4th. For more information, contact Elaine Hegland 701-320-4615 or DeAnn Ament 701-391-1386.