VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Barnes County born and raised Greg Hager has just released his 8th album titled State Of Mind.
Hager is with a new record label Music For Grownups (MFG) based in Nashville, TN. He said it took two weeks to record in February of 2019.
Hager’s writes all of his songs that are based on the cowboy or western way of life. The song “Cowboy Wrap” is sure to bring a smile to your face once you hear it. Another song pays tribute to the cowboy titled “Cowboy Hall of Fame.”
The new album has an enhanced studio quality that you’ll hear right away. Other songs like “All Those Years Ago” and “State Of Mind” are fantastic songs you will enjoy.
The following is a Voice of the Valley interview with Greg Hager on March 22nd with reporter Steve Urness.
Hager said the new album is available on Amazon, I-tunes or through Streaming Services and online music. For more info go to GregHager.com