JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown United Way wrapped up its 2019 campaign with a celebration annual meeting luncheon at the North Dakota Farmers Union.
Executive Board Member and Treasurer, Kevin Walker, told the community members and supporters at the event that the organization exceeded its 2019 campaign goal of $200,000 by $857.
“Meeting goal is really exciting because we will be able to fully fund all of our agency budget requests,” stated Walker.
Committee members shared campaign highlights and successes and thanked all the campaign volunteers and contributors. Awards were given to the following local businesses thanking them for their support:
100% Participation & Increased Donations: James River Community Center
100% Participation: Lloyd’s Motors
Increased Donations – Over Previous Year : Ave Maria, Cavendish Farms, Cash Wise, City Employees, Dacotah Bank, Farmer’s Union Insurance, RM Stoudt’s, Safe Shelter, South Central Human Service Center, and University of Jamestown
Spirit Awards for Continued Support: Butler Machinery, Hugo’s, Jamestown Regional Medical Center, Newman Signs, Noridian Administrative Services, and Collins Aerospace
Additionally, the Outgoing Board Member Award was given to Cassie DuBray for serving four years with the United Way, as she will be leaving the Board. The Board also presented the following nominations: new appointees are Rebecca Kercher and Arnell McDonald. Re-appointment to a 2nd term are Dani Helton and Craig Olin.
The slate of officers for the 2019/2020 campaign are as follows: President: Katie Mittleider, 1st Vice President: Dani Helton, 2nd Vice Co-Chairs: Lynette Stoddart and Dina Laskowski and Treasurer: Kevin Walker.
The United Way of Stutsman County is part of United Way Worldwide. Its mission is to improve lives by mobilizing the caring power of communities around the world to advance the common good. The current impact model emphasizes that 99% of all funds raised stays within in Stutsman County.
The local agencies supported are: Alano Society, Boy Scouts – Northern Lights, Camp Rokiwan, Child Care Aware, Community Corrections, Girl Scouts – Dakota Horizons, Imagination Library, James River Transit, MOST/21st Cen. After School, PATH, Safe Shelter, Salvation Army, SANE/SART, Senior Companion Program, and The Arts Center.
For additional information, please contact Executive Director Karla Bachmeier at jmstuway@gmail.com or call 701-952-UWAY.
Article submitted by Cassie DuBray