JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Regional Medical Center Auxiliary will be continuing their mission of helping the hospital with costs for the care they provide this spring.
The annual Spring Bazaar will feature crafts, baked goods, and used books with all proceeds benefiting the JRMC Foundation. Auxilian Eunice Sahr says many of their 30 volunteers bring their talents together for the event.
Sahr says they’re continuing to seek more volunteers who would like to help their cause.
JRMC Marketing Coordinator Katie Ryan-Anderson says because of the Auxiliary, the Cancer Center will become a reality this summer.
The bazaar runs on Friday, April 5th from 8:30 AM to 2:30 PM at the JRMC Gift Shoppe. You can find more information at jrmcnd.com.
Listen to a full Let’s Talk About It with Eunice Sahr, Mary Engels, and Katie Ryan-Anderson below: