JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Local Jamestown Boy Scout Troops collected and donated food to the Jamestown Salvation Army Saturday.
“Scouting for Food” is held annually and has local troops collecting non-perishable food items in the community, which is then donated to the Salvation Army or other local food pantries.
“Troop 163 was able to donate 128 pounds of food alone,” stated Trooper Leader Aaron Motter.
Boy Scout Troop 145 collected 90 pounds as well, leading to a total of around 218 pounds of food collected for the day.
Door hangers were distributed the week prior, encouraging residents to leave a bag full of food donations on their porch or at the front door, which was then collected by the local Boy Scouts.
Food was picked up on Saturday, March 23rd in Jamestown.