BISMARCK, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – 18 high schools will compete against each other to be crowned State Academic Champions.
North Dakota Association of Secondary School Principals is very proud to host a statewide academic competition for North Dakota. Eight regional competitions have already taken place to determine state qualified teams. The competition will take place in the Bavendick State Room in the BSC National Center of Excellence.
The competition will start at 5pm with all 18 schools competing against each other. There will be five questions asked in each of the following categories: English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Electives, and Current Events for a total of 30 questions. We will then pull the top three schools from each division, Class A, Class B Large, and Class B Small to compete in three separate lightning rounds.
In each lightning round, teams will be asked 25 total questions in random fashion. At the end of each lightning round, they will crown a state champion in each division.
There will be a judge’s panel to handle any disputed answers. This panel consists of: Nick Aruchuletta (ND United President), Senator Erin Oban, and Matt Scherbenske (NDDPI Assistant Director).
The competition will be broadcast on BEK TV.
Teams competing and their class include:
Class B Small – North Shore Plaza, Rolette, Central Valley, Grant County, Hazelton-Moffit-Braddock, and North Sargent.
Class B Large – Mohall-Lansford-Sherwood, Bottineau, Thompson, South Heart, Wilton, and Oak Grove.
Class A – Fargo North, Fargo South, Fargo Davies, Bismarck Legacy, Bismarck Century, and Jamestown