JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – From April 1 to May 19, law enforcement agencies across North Dakota will have extra patrols enforcing the law against underage drinking, as well as conducting compliance checks and shoulder taps, as part of the Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign.
Proms and graduations will soon be in full swing and with them the potential for teens and young adults to be influenced to use alcohol and/or drugs. This enforcement effort goal is to deter teens from underage drinking and educate them that it is illegal and dangerous. In fact, motor vehicle crashes are the leading cause of injury-related death for North Dakota teens. There are zero excuses for driving under the influence.
“Drinking and driving is never OK, no matter how old you are,” said Barnes County Sheriff Randy McClaflin. “The Drive Sober or Get Pulled Over campaign allows us, as law enforcement, to educate teens about the consequences their choices can have, and what to do in a peer pressure situation.”
If law enforcement does find anyone underage consuming or in possession of alcohol, those individuals could end up in court and ordered to pay fines.
This campaign is part of the Vision Zero strategy to eliminate motor vehicle crash fatalities and serious injuries on North Dakota roads.
Visit the North Dakota Crash Memorial wall to view memorials built on the hope of preventing another death on North Dakota roads.