VALLEY CITY, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) Riley Henry Rogers III died peacefully on February 12, 2019 in Fargo at the age of 93.
Rogers served as an aircraft mechanic on the USS Saratoga during WWII. Riley headed to North Dakota and Jamestown College. He completed majors in Biology and Chemistry at Jamestown College where he was also a member of the track and football teams.
Rogers was a civic minded man and through the years he became an active member both in the community and the state. He served as mayor of Valley City for 12 years from 1994 to 2006 and also acted as the Pharmacy Compliance Officer for the State of North Dakota for several years. He was proud to be part of the important work of the city and the state and was humbled by the integrity of the many people with whom he worked side by side. He is quoted saying, “Valley City is the finest in the country, and I’ve worked with some of the finest people. That’s been the story of my life. Who could ask for more than that.”
The following is a Voice of the Valley interview with Brenda Klein and Avis Richter speaking about what it was like to work with former mayor Riley Rogers.
A celebration of the life of Riley H. Rogers will be held Friday, March 22 at 3:00pm in the Congregational United Church of Christ in Valley City, ND.