VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – The annual Valley City Fire Department Banquet was held January 26th at the Valley City Eagles Club.
Fire Chief Scott Magnuson said several members of the volunteer fire department were recognized during the event for their years of service.
Magnuson also reminded the public that the annual Valley City Fire Department Smoker will be Friday, February 1st at the VFW Club. $900 in prizes will be given away and there is a Pinochle tournament as well.

Henry Middlested and his daughter Patty celebrate his 55 years of service to the department.

Duane Magnuson 25 year service award and NDFA life member.

Jason Runge with the 10 Year Service Award.

L to R; Josh Magnuson, Brandon Myers, Aaron Heck and McKenzie Nordland, not pictured is Hudson Burkett, Rod Grafing and Paul Johnson all received their 5 Year Service Awards. Photos submitted to