RUGBY, N.D. ( The Cardinal Speech Team competed at the Rugby Speech Meet on Saturday, January 26th. The team finished third, State qualifiers were Mason Rose in humorous and Kaylee Weninger in impromptu (state qualifiers took first place). Top Novices Dawsyn Anderson in Inform, Carter Larson in Humorous, Lexi McClean in poetry, and Logan Weninger in persuade.
Additional Awards
Laurie Struxness/Mason Rose: 2nd in humorous duo
Logan Weninger: 4th in persuade
Kaylee Weninger: 3rd in persuade and extemp.
Jake Page: 5th in extemp
Laurie Struxness: 7th in entertain and radio
Bella Garr: 8th in EPR
Carter Larson: 3rd in humorous
Next up will be Saturday, Feb. 2nd in Devils Lake.