JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Police Department has announced the completion of the first ever Citizen’s Academy Wednesday.
Participants met each Monday for the past 10 weeks to learn about a variety of topics and gain better understanding of Law Enforcement and experience some of what they do. Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger earlier this year said citizen’s academy programs are held all over the U.S.
The course covered a variety of topics including firearms, traffic stops, pursuits, DUI, Criminal Investigations and more.
Trena Owens was a participant in the academy.
“All my life it was a dream to be a police officer, so to take this course was a dream come true,” Owens stated. “The officers shared what they do. Drug investigations, criminal investigations, traffic law, use of force, DUI, SWAT, K9. The objective of the course was to provide citizens with an understanding of what being a law enforcer entails.”
Owens said she thinks the program is very important and encourages other interested citizens to consider attending a future Citizen’s Academy.
“[I] Seriously never wanted it to end. I encourage the citizens of Jamestown to take the course to better understand law enforcement and what is really going on in our city. Let’s work together to make Jamestown awesome!”
Because of the great first turnout, the Jamestown Police Department says they are already preparing for next year.
“Due to the positive feedback and turnout we received, we will be hosting a 2nd Citizen’s Academy this Spring,” the department stated. “We are planning on running it Thursdays starting on March 7th to May 9th. We will begin advertising this and taking applications in January.”