VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – A group of attorneys came before the Barnes and Stutsman County Commissions on December 4 to let them know about an opportunity to join the national opioid litigation.

Jonathan Novak, an Associate Attorney at Fears Nachawati Law Firm in Texas use to work for the Drug Enforcement Administration prosecuting doctors and companies that manufacture opioids. He said if any political subdivision joins the litigation, they’ll be able to use any settlement funding to alleviate costs associated with opioid addiction. He said if a monetary court settlement is reached there will be no cost to join the opioid litigation.

City County Health District Opioid Prevention Coordinator Mahmoud Toumeh lost five high school classmates to opioid addiction.

Barnes County Commissioner Cindy Schwehr works at a nursing home in Valley City. She said there’s something wrong with the current system.

The Barnes and Stutsman County Commissions will discuss the proposal at their next regular meeting later this month before making any decisions on whether or not to join the national opioid litigation.

Attorney Jonathan Novak gave a presentation about the opioid litigation to the Barnes County Commission on December 4 in Valley City.