JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Teacher, librarian, author, Dakota historian, and pioneer for women’s rights. These were all things Edna LaMoore Waldo became to be known for.

Born in Jamestown in 1893 and the oldest sister of Louis L’Amour, Waldo will be honored by the Alfred Dickey Library as they rename the old staff workroom on the east side of the upper level in her honor.

“Edna LaMoore Waldo is an iconic figure in the history of Jamestown, and I’m delighted that we can honor her by naming a room of Alfred Dickey Public Library in her memory while celebrating the hundred-year history of service for our library,” stated Library Director Joe Rector.

Waldo was a member of the Jamestown community as she graduated high school in 1910 and Jamestown College in 1914. Her most influential book is Dakota, a history of the Dakota Territory published in 1931.

Waldo passed away in 1999. The room will be dedicated to her during the Alfred Dickey Centennial Celebration Week February 19th through the 22nd.