VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – For the past 22 years, the Festival of Trees has been an instrumental source of funding for CHI Mercy Health.
The generosity from local individuals and organizations has allowed the hospital to purchase much needed equipment to ensure quality care is available close to home. Recently, the Foundation Board has recognized the need to revitalize the annual charity event.
CHI Mercy Health Foundation spokeswoman Stephanie Mayfield said we are excited to introducing our new Annual Charity Event: Holiday Extravaganza.
She said this event will be held at the Valley City Eagles Club on Saturday, November 24. The event will include an appetizer buffet, music, live & silent auctions, fun games and raffles and Dueling Pianos by Fun Pianos! She added, “We will have a few Christmas Trees and décor on Live Auction but have added some new items to the auction like an autographed Carson Wentz Eagle’s Jersey, Getaway weekend to Minneapolis, Custom Framed Maryvale Prayer Tunnel print, 2 Premier Vintage Bottles of Wine, a VCHS T-Shirt quilt, and more”
Last year, the event raised $15,000 at the Festival of Trees and with some additional donations, we were able to purchase new software for transmitting our X-Rays! This year, our goal is to raise $27,000 to install 3 ceiling lifts in additional patient rooms that enhances our Safe Patient Handling program.
Tickets are $30 per person and are on sale in the Foundation office (3rd floor) at the Hospital or online at
The doors (and silent auction and games and raffles) will open at 5:00pm, an
hors d’oeuvres buffet will begin at 5:30pm, and our Dueling Pianos by Fun Pianos will begin at 7:00pm. The Live auction will begin after the Dueling Piano show followed by the grand prize raffle drawing for a Honda Pioneer 500 Side by Side at 10pm! The Honda UTV is sponsored by Enterprise Sales and tickets to win are $50 each and are limited to 500 tickets.
Contact Stephanie Mayfield in the CHI Mercy Health Foundation office (direct #845-6557 or with any questions you have regarding the “Holiday Extravaganza.”