VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – “The Devil We Know”, an award-winning documentary about one of the largest class-action lawsuits in the history of environmental law will be shown in Valley City at 7 PM on November 20 at the Barnes County Museum – 315 Central Ave N.
The film tells the story of what happened when a handful of West Virginia residents discovered that DuPont had been pumping its poisonous Teflon (also known as PFOA, PFAS and C8) chemicals into the air and public water supply of more than 700,000 people and became linked to six diseases, including testicular and kidney cancer.
Against the forces that polluted their town, the story expands to dozens of other American cities. It is a story of corporate irresponsibility and injustice. In fact, as many as 100 million Americans may be drinking water tainted with PFAS chemicals. While Parkersburg, West Virginia is in the center of this story, but the problem is really the center of this story. And the problem is much broader than this, it is more than a place or chemical.
This film tells the story of how one synthetic chemical can contaminate an entire community. One of the messages the story carries to viewers is that communities must become more informed and active in demanding strict regulation and enforcement to insure safe water. Discussion and information regarding area water issues will follow the movie.
The film is sponsored by “What in the World Is Going On?”, a campus-community group jointly sponsored by VCSU’s Departments of Science and Social Science. The showing is free and open to the public. For more information call 701-845-7321.