JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – When Halloween rolls around, some go above and beyond the spirit with decorations and more.
And then there are homes like the Walters’ in Jamestown.
The Walters reside at 1502 9th Avenue SE and have a yard just like any other family. But when Halloween approaches, it transforms into an attraction that brings in visitors from around the state.
Marty Walters says after 6 or 7 years, the attraction has continued to grow in size and technicality. He says he’s only limited by his garage to store the decorations
Walters says some good has come from the growing attraction. He says they began accepting food donations as more and more spectators began to show up.
He says his kids almost enjoy delivering the food donations more than the decorations for Halloween. He says he enjoys that part too.
You’re encouraged to stop and see the attraction at night when everything is lit up starting at around 7 PM and runs through about 9:30 PM. Walters says it’ll run longer on the weekends and especially on Halloween night. You’re encouraged to bring a non-perishable food donation as well and leave it at the “toxic barrel” at the front of the yard.
You can find more information on the Shadow Valley Cemetery in Jamestown here.