JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Since 1985, Pride of Dakota has promoted and enhanced the marketing of North Dakota businesses, products and services.
On October 20th and 21st, the Pride of Dakota Showcase will be on display at the Jamestown Civic Center. North Dakota Department of Agriculture Commissioner Doug Goehring says Pride of Dakota has grown to more than 500 North Dakota companies today.
Through Pride of Dakota, Goehring says they’re able to provide businesses resources and marketing opportunities that help them expand.
As Pride of Dakota continues to expand, Goehring says they see multiple different products that manufacturers and businesses in North Dakota can offer.
The Pride of Dakota Showcase in Jamestown will feature upwards of 100 or more vendors showing their wares, goods, and services. Admission is $2, kids 12 and under are free. If you bring a non-perishable or fresh produce food donation, admission is $1. You can also bring a reusable cloth shopping bag and admission will then be free.
The showcase runs from 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday and 11 AM to 4 PM Sunday.
For more on the pride of Dakota Showcase in Jamestown, visit prideofdakota.com.