JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – As construction kicks off, the Jamestown Regional Medical Center’s Cancer Center nears its fundraising goal.
The community raised more than $85,000 for local cancer care at the JRMC Cancer Center Mile Marker 256: a Private Debut on Thursday, Sept. 27. That means the JRMC Foundation is about $20,000 shy of it’s $1.5 million goal.
The dream of local cancer care is coming true, said Trisha Jungels, JRMC’s Chief Nursing Officer and Interim Chief Executive Officer. Construction for the Jamestown Regional Medical Center Cancer Center begins next week.
“The community’s support blows us away. At our Mile 256 event, one family named an endowment after their late mother. Another attendee purchased a signed Carson Wentz jersey for $2,500 and then gave it back to sell it again. We are so fortunate,” Jungels said.
Jungels said oncology services were a dream of the Boards and the community when JRMC moved from downtown to southwest Jamestown in 2011.
The JRMC Operating Board made its decision to begin construction at its regular meeting on Wednesday, Sept. 26.
Construction will include eight infusion rooms. Those rooms will serve more than 100 people a month, saving 160,000 miles of travel each year.
In Stutsman County, cancer is the leading cause of death for individuals ages 45-84.
“This community is so generous,” said JRMC Foundation Director Lisa Jackson. “We’re glad to move forward on this Journey to Oncology.”
The public can still eliminate miles in the journey to receive cancer care, Jackson said. The shortest trip to receive chemotherapy costs about $35 in gas, round trip. Over the course of treatment, people will need to make a minimum of 30 trips. This is an expense of more than $1,000 or $88 per month.
Every gift of $1,000 or more will receive recognition (in the donor’s name or in honor or memory of a loved one) in the vestibule entrance of JRMC Cancer Center. This gift will surround patients and their families with support.
To learn more about the JRMC Cancer Center or Brunch Out Cancer, call (701) 952-4880 or visit www.jrmcnd.com/journey.