JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown City Council met Tuesday following Labor Day on September 4th.
Councilmember Steve Brubakken requested that item I from the Consent Agenda be removed for discussion. The item involved a change order to Scherbenske, Inc. for a time extension on the NW Water Main Replacement project.
Underground Utility Manager Josh Clocksene with Scherbenske, Inc. came before the council to explain why they were requesting the extension. He pointed out that prior project obligations caused them to miss two days recently.
Clocksene said the primary reason they were asking for an extension was because of ground infiltration and the poor shape of the water main.
The council granted the time extension through September 21st, but Clocksene estimates the project to be finished before that date.
The council later approved the purchase of a replacement sire in the Southeast area of the city at a price of $25,439. Jamestown Fire Chief Jim Reuther says the siren will increase coverage in that area of the city.
One of the last items for discussion for the city came after a request was heard from a limited partnership to place 3 additional radio antennas on the City’s 12th Avenue NE Water Tower. Previously, the city had started to look into increasing the cost of allowing antennas to be placed on water towers.
Jamestown Water Superintendent Joel Rowell stated he had inquired about the cost it takes companies providing maintenance to move antennas.
City Engineer Travis Dillman says before maintenance is done, crews will observe the water towers and their structural integrity.
The city will let City Attorney Leo Ryan continue to look into the fee increase before approving any installation of antennas on city water towers. The motion was tabled.