VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – Three endorsed candidates for the Democratic NPL party in North Dakota visited Valley City on August 21st.
Democrat Mac Schneider is running for North Dakota’s lone U.S. House of Representatives seat. In November, he’ll face Republican Kelly Armstrong who is the GOP endorsed candidate.

Schneider talked about the importance of protecting our farmers by being a member of the Agriculture Committee if elected. He also said it’s important to work with members of congress on both sides of the aisle.
Democrat Josh Boschee is seeking the office of Secretary of State he’ll face long time incumbent Republican Al Jaeger who is on the ballot this year running as an Independent. Boschee said he promises to modernize the voting process in North Dakota if elected.

The Secretary of State race got interesting after incumbent Al Jaeger lost the GOP nomination earlier this year to Will Gardner. He withdrawal from the race two days after the Forum reported on a 2006 incident in which Gardner was accused of peeping through a window near an NDSU women’s dormitory.

Democrat Kylie Oversen is running for State Tax Commissioner. She’ll face incumbent Republican Ryan Rauschenberger who is seeking another term. Oversen is concerned about how state budget cuts are affected so many services in the state. She said she would like to change the current direction of the State Tax Department if elected.
The meet and greet event for these candidates was held at the home of James and Sharon Buhr of Valley City on August 21st.