VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( From Hi-Liner AD Mike Schultz; On Friday night we will be hosting Turtle Mountain in football at Hanna Field. There are a number of changes to Hanna Field due to the construction of the track and field facility. I’ve attached the changes and what the expectations are for entering, seating, and watching the Hi-Liners. Please understand that there will be some growing pains and could be changes throughout the season as we see what works and what doesn’t. Thanks for your patience and understanding with this.


Hanna Field

Fan Experience


With the construction of the new track at Hanna Field, how we watch football there has changed. To make the experience more enjoyable for everyone, here are the guidelines for spectators at Hanna Field:


Fan Entrance/Parking: all fans will enter through the west gate at the edge of the west parking lot. All parking will be in this parking lot or on surrounding streets. There will be no vehicles allowed inside Hanna Field.


Player Entrance/Parking: players will park on 9th street and surrounding streets and enter through the South gate. Officials and the ambulance will enter through this gate as well. No one else will be allowed through this gate.


Jr/Sr High Zone: we are blocking off the area between the locker rooms for Jr/Sr High School students only. We don’t want to have adults, college students, or elementary students in this area. It is reserved for the students.


Elementary Students: all elementary students (K-6) are to be watching the games from the stands with their parents or standing near the fence watching the game with their parents. We have newly planted grass in most areas and we can’t have students running across or playing in these areas. Please monitor and encourage your elementary age children to watch the game and cheer on the Hi-Liners!


Restricted Area: No one will be allowed to be on the track surface inside the fence. No one will be allowed to go beyond the northern and southern most points of the home sideline. We are planting grass around the track/field area and these areas cannot withstand walking traffic. Please stay on the home sideline. You are welcome to stand along the fence outside the Jr/Sr High Zone.


Home/Visiting Fan Seating: The visiting fans will be seated in the far Northern section of the main bleachers. There will be a sign at the top of the bleachers indicating this area. The Home fans will be in all remaining sections of the bleachers.


Pep Band Seating: The pep band will be seated in the bleachers just to the North of the main bleacher area. This is reserved for the pep band only.