JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The return of school is upon the students in the Jamestown Public School District.

Beginning Thursday, August 23rd, students will make their way back to one of the several schools located within Jamestown. Jamestown School Resource Officer Andrew Staska says during this time, the safety of the kids is the top priority.

The busiest times and most important times to be wary of kids is during the morning and afternoon commutes. Motorists should be mindful of kids walking to and from school, getting on the bus or biking.

Officers Staska says another focus of safety is school busses. When a bus is stopped and the red lights are on, motorists need to stop and wait.

Officer Staska says parents and guardians will also need to practice safety when picking up and dropping of their kids at school.

Extra patrols will be out during the first few days of school to make sure safety and guidelines are being followed.

Listen to a full interview with School Resource Officer Andrews Staska below: