FARGO, N.D. (NDSU) – Teams from Cass and Barnes counties took first place in their respective divisions in the 2018 North Dakota 4-H consumer decision making contest.
The Cass County team of Tyler Marschke, Maddie Robinson, Josie Mohror and Sam Radermacher placed first in the senior division. The team will represent North Dakota 4-H in the consumer decision making contest at the Western National Roundup in Denver, Colo., in January 2019.
Barnes County’s team of Allison Bryn, Matayia Thompson, Kaidence Harstad, Chesney Thomsen and Alyssa Thomsen took first place in the junior division.
These teams were among 89 youth who participated in the contest, which was held during the North Dakota State Fair in Minot. Sixty-three competed in the junior division and 26 competed in the senior division.

The contest is designed to educate youth about making better consumer decisions. This year, the youth judged classes of healthy snacks, toys and wearable technology, and gave oral reasons for why they placed the items in a certain order in some of the classes.
A group think component was added to the contest this year. Each senior team was given the same scenario, and each team’s members had 10 minutes to work collaboratively to evaluate the situation and make a final decision based on given standards. Teams were scored on how well they worked together and presented their solution.
“Youth have the opportunity to practice important life skills such as decision making, communicating and working together as a team,” says Meagan Scott, a youth development specialist in North Dakota State University Extension’s Center for 4-H Youth Development.
Seven teams competed in the senior division and 15 teams competed in the junior division.
Other teams placing in the senior division were:
Second – Stark/Billings/McIntosh counties, with members Reilly Meyer, Addie Schnabel and Faith Norby
Third – Pembina/Barnes counties, with team members Noah Helgoe, Shannon Bryn and Lily Crosby
Other teams placing in the junior division were:
Second – Oliver County, with members Ericka Vosberg, Breanna Vosberg, Cameron Albers, Londyn Sackman and Ierlyn Sackman
Third – Cass County, with team members Nora Severance, Nolan Severance, Zachary Schroeder and McKenna Mohs
Eva Lahlum from the LaMoure County team was the top scoring senior individual, and Allison Bryn from the Barnes County team was the top scoring junior individual.
The North Dakota 4-H Foundation sponsors this contest.