VALLEY CITY, N.D. ( – A new show at the Mercy Art Gallery in Valley City is an exhibit of art created by kindergarten through grade 6 students at Jefferson and Washington Elementary Schools in Valley City.

Seven of the pictures were Taube Museum of Art winners for the past year. These seven pieces have been on tour across the state of North Dakota this past year, with one piece hanging in the governor’s office (work by Tee Sylling).

Cheri Anderson is the Valley City Public School’s elementary art instructor. She said, “As the K-6 art instructor for Valley City Public Schools, my focus for students is about experiences. My goal is that students are given the opportunities to experience different techniques or be shown how to develop skills, so they may reach their full potential.” Anderson continues, “ in my classes I teach about the elements of art, a variety of artists and artwork along with various levels of technique and a variety of skills depending on the students’ grade level. I try to make the classes fun and engaging and yes, messy, but guided!”

It isn’t always about the product turning out perfectly or masterpiece quality explains Anderson. Students are encouraged to be creative and appreciate the level of work they are at, but always work to be better and enjoy the process.

According to various research studies, students who study the arts show improvement in their capabilities in other areas as well, including in the sciences, math and reading. Practicing the arts develop imagination, innovative thinking and creativity, thus adding value to non-arts academic outcomes as well.

The elementary art exhibit at the Mercy Art Gallery is located on the first floor of CHI Mercy Health in the hallway between the front desk at CHI Mercy Health all the way over to the Sanford Health Clinic. It is open from 7 am to 9 pm until the end of September.

Joesi Klein is seen here with her work entitled “Outdoor Fun”. She was one of the seven Taube Museum of Art Award Winners with her piece traveling the state this past year. She was a student at Washington Elementary School in Valley City.
Tee Sylling, a Washington Elementary School student, won the Northern Visions Award from the Taube Museum of Art and his piece, “Winter Fence”, was on exhibit this past year in Governor Burgum’s office at the North Dakota State Capitol.