JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – Of the twelve birthing units in the state of North Dakota, the Jamestown Regional Medical Center sits above in their BirthPlace and the ND Cribs for Kids program.
Each hospital in North Dakota was asked to meet requirements by the North Dakota Department of Health and their North Dakota Cribs for Kids safe-sleep education and distribution program.
Sarah Massey is with the Infant and Child Death Services Program.
Because the Jamestown Regional Medical Center met all the requirements, they received the Gold Level status for the program and became the only hospital in North Dakota to achieve that status.
JRMC Family BirthPlace Manager Emily Woodley states they were honored to receive that recognition.
Woodley says now, they’re going to focus on spreading more information on providing a safe sleeping environment for children to anyone who may be working with a baby.
For more resources on the Cribs for Kids program, visit www.ndhealth.gov/cribsforkids or www.jrmcnd.com/moms.
Listen to a full interview with Sarah Massey, Emily Woodley, and Ally Knudtson below: