JAMESTOWN, N.D. (NewsDakota.com) – The Jamestown Building, Planning & Zoning Committee has made the recommended approval for special use permit applications and fees for Compassion Care Centers operating in the city.
Committee Chair Dave Steele stated that in working with City Zoning Administrator Jamison Veil and other city staff, they were able to come up with what they felt was adequate for Jamestown.
Veil informed the committee that there had been discussion about the application fee, which was recommended at a non-refundable $4,000.
Councilmember Dan Buchanan asked if the $4,000 was the only amount the dispensary would pay if it located inside the city.
Veil says what they’ve compiled is all up for legal review. He says applications will begin being accepted for the region starting January 2019 with the hope of having them fully operational by June 2019.
Jamestown Police Chief Scott Edinger says he understands the concern with a dispensary being constructed in the region causing a need for increased patrols.
The committee recommended approval by the council on a 4 to 1 vote with Councilmember Buchanan voting in opposition.