UNDATED (NewsDakota.com) – SafeWise has released the top 10 safest cities in the state of North Dakota in their latest study.

“Along with a stunning landscape, this expansive midwestern state offers quality jobs, friendly folks, and plenty of safe cities to settle down in,” SafeWise reports. “In fact, North Dakota’s overall violent crime rate is 41% less than the national average, and among the state’s top ten safest cities, it’s an average 83% less.”

The group used recent FBI crime statistics to form the study which finds that North Dakota reported less than one violent crime per 1,000 people in 2016. The top two safest cities, Hazen and Carrington, reported zero violent crime.

“Incidents of robbery were also few and far between, with 80% of the state’s ten safest cities citing no crimes of this type,” the group pointed out.

The top safest cities found in the report looked at reports of violent crime per 1,000 people in each city.

The cities were:
1 Hazen
2 Carrington
3 Stanley
4 New Town
5 Lincoln
6 Lisbon
7 Devils Lak
8 Wahpeton
9 Dickinson
10 Beulah

You can click here for a breakdown of the study and how they conducted their findings.